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They were all as nervous and flustered as could be, running all ways at once, and falling over each other, and every one giving orders to everybody else and not listening; and the Sergeant kept sending off parties of stoats to distant parts of the grounds, and then sending other fellows to fetch 'em back again; and I heard them saying to each other, 'That's just like the weasels; they're to stop comfortably in the banqueting-hall, and have feasting and toasts and songs and all sorts of fun, whil


The main trail in that town which they call Broadway is plenty travelled, but they're about the same brand of bipeds that tramp around in Cheyenne and Amarillo, At first I was sort of rattled by the crowds, but I soon says to myself, 'Here, now, Bud; they're just plain folks like you and Geronimo and Grover Cleveland and the Watson boys, so don't get all flustered up with consternation under your saddle blanket,' and then I feels calm and peaceful, like I was back in the Nation again at a ghost


Tom stood still, rather flustered by this onslaught.


A little later, when they had all had plenty to eat and drink, and were lying on their backs while the canaries sang for them, two of the swallows came hurrying up, very flustered and excited.

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Thus next time you are feeling stressed or flustered, just let that mouth stretch into most forced of smiles.


Thus next time you are feeling stressed or flustered, just let that mouth stretch into most forced of smiles.


They arrived at the gates of heaven, where a flustered St.

Our First Kiss

I was so flustered, I'm sure I made a fool of myself ten times over.

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The candidate sat there flustered, so Jobs changed the subject.


She said: 'I used to leave house flustered and in a rush and it wasn't a good way to start the day.


How missed flights can turn into adventures, bad directions can deliver them to exciting new locales, lost opportunities lead them to new learning, and unexpected changes in plans leave them feeling more spontaneousthan flustered?


Apple sounded quite flustered as it protested that things are not as they appear.


Isn't easily flustered 37.

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Equally, the item of clothing could switch on cooling actuators if it thought a wearer was getting hot and flustered on a date, for example, or play a happy song from a minute speaker, if it sensed they were sad.


I wish I had known that feeling flushed, embarrassed and flustered mean you are nervous, not that you're in love.


Careers writer Paul MacKenzie-Cummins said this question is designed to reveal whether a candidate is flustered by unexpected problems.


Unable to calm his flustered mind, he missed the target with the first arrow, and missed again with his second arrow.


She said: 'I used to leave house flustered and in a rush and it wasn't a good way to start the day.


Xiang Zi of Zhao was flustered and exasperated.


" Flustered, the ventriloquist begins to stammer out an apology.

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