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My first thought was that she had come to the end of her forbearance with his infatuation for Strickland, and, goaded by the latter's cynical behaviour, had insisted that he should be turned out.


The truth is that there was a something about Peter which goaded the pirate captain to frenzy.

金娃娃 The gold-children

" However, she was not in earnest; she never rested day or night, and she goaded her husband until in his impatience he revealed that all was owing to a wonderful golden fish which he had caught, and to which in return he had given its liberty.

The Enchanted Horse

Goaded by his threats she sprang to her feet, calling loudly for help, and luckily her cries were heard by a troop of horsemen, who rode up to inquire what was the matter.

格林童话英文版:The Giant and the Tailor

Thunder and lightning, cried the tailor, what is that, and as he was strongly goaded by curiosity, he went boldly towards it.

格林童话英文版:The Gold-Children

She never rested day or night, and she goaded her husband until in his impatience he revealed that all was owing to a wonderful golden fish which he had caught, and to which in return he had given its liberty.

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