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" he cried, with frightful vehemence, stamping his foot, and groaning in a sudden paroxysm of ungovernable passion.


She ate and drank eagerly, and sank back on her pillow again, clenching her hands and groaning.


He threw himself into a chair, laughing and groaning, and bid them all stand off, for he was nearly killed—he would not have such another walk for the three kingdoms.


"All day had been flooding with rain; we could not go to church, so Joseph must needs get up a congregation in the garret; and, while Hindley and his wife basked downstairs before a comfortable fire—doing anything but reading their Bibles, I'll answer for it—Heathcliff, myself, and the unhappy ploughboy were commanded to take our prayer-books, and mount: we were ranged in a row, on a sack of corn, groaning and shivering, and hoping that Joseph would shiver too, so that he might give us a short h


I never said a word, and gave up groaning over the clutter, as I couldn't mend it.


Poor Lydgate was inwardly groaning on that margin, and Will was arriving at it.


"Now, then," he said, and lay down on the settle, groaning most grievously.


She heard someone groaning.


Don't be alarmed if you hear me groaning.


However, it seemed well worth while to chance it, so he fell to groaning with considerable spirit.


A good, generous prayer it was, and went into details: it pleaded for the church, and the little children of the church; for the other churches of the village; for the village itself; for the county; for the State; for the State officers; for the United States; for the churches of the United States; for Congress; for the President; for the officers of the Government; for poor sailors, tossed by stormy seas; for the oppressed millions groaning under the heel of European monarchies and Oriental de


Melville's novel wasn't received well on publication (it took decades before people really started to 'get' how great it is), and the negative sentiment is echoed every year when groaning students are forced to read it.


Melville's novel wasn't received well on publication (it took decades before people really started to 'get' how great it is), and the negative sentiment is echoed every year when groaning students are forced to read it.


But when he tried to get out again he found himself so swollen after his big meal that he could not squeeze through the hole, and fell to whining and groaning over his misfortune.


But the Dawn Treader was already well away, running before a fresh breeze, and the men lay and sat panting and groaning all about the deck, till presently they were able to talk about it, and then to laugh about it.


If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(70)

I vomited on a tangle of weeds, my retching and groaning drowned in the deafening roar of the MiG.


The landlord took a toolkit down and tried to pry the nails out when groaning at the same time.


Groaning continually, he climbed the mountain, and at length reached the old woman's house, when he was just about to drop.


" Every time that he stopped walking, someone called out, and he had to walk on until, groaning and out of breath, he brought the basket with the gold and the two girls to their parents' house.

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