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Then a gust of bitter wind took them in the back of the neck, a small sting of frozen sleet on the skin woke them as from a dream, and they knew their toes to be cold and their legs tired, and their own home distant a weary way.


A violent gust of wind, rising with sudden fury, added fresh horror to the moment.


Blaize Castle remained her only comfort; towards that, she still looked at intervals with pleasure; though rather than be disappointed of the promised walk, and especially rather than be thought ill of by the Tilneys, she would willingly have given up all the happiness which its walls could supply—the happiness of a progress through a long suite of lofty rooms, exhibiting the remains of magnificent furniture, though now for many years deserted—the happiness of being stopped in their way along na

迷人四月天:Chapter 1

Wilkins, arrested by the expression on her face, which was swept by the excitement of what she saw, and was as luminous and tremulous under it as water in sunlight when it is ruffled by a gust of wind.


The pandemonium above has ceased almost as suddenly as it arose, passed like a fierce gust of wind; but they know that in the passing it has determined their fate.


The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary;、、; ,;The vine still clings to the moldering wall,, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, ,, And the day is dark and dreary.

辉煌壮丽的暴风雨 Glories of the Storm

Then a gust of wind ships the dust along the road, chillwarning of what is to come.

My Left Foot 我的左脚

The wind howled dismally, whipping up little whirling columns of snow that rose and fell at every fresh gust.

英语美文: The Rainy Day 雨天

The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary.

The Rainy Day 雨天

The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary.


The couple looked in the throes of love as they stopped to take a selfie at the iconic landmark, after Katy struggled to keep her hat on from a sudden gust of wind.

浙大学生发明用空气洗手装置 获得国际大奖

A tap then sprays a light water mist along with a strong gust of air, which the students have proven to be nearly as effective as traditional hand-washing.

The Rainy Day

The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(44)

It seemed I could hardly make a wrong move, as if every gust of wind blew in my favor.

牧鹅姑娘 The goose girl

" Then there came a gust of wind and away went Conrad's hat, and he after it, while the maiden combed and bound up her hair; and the old King saw all that went on.


If only a gust of wind does not come and blow my legs off my body, for they are as rotten as tinder.


,,,, ,,,,,,: A sudden gust of cool wind under the slaty sky, and raindrops will start pitter-pattering.


The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary.

格林童话英文版:The Goose-Girl at the Well

If only a gust of wind does not come and blow my legs off my body, for they are as rotten as tinder.

安徒生童话英文版:Aunty Toothache IV

Then came a gust of wind so strong that the locked door to Aunty's room burst open.

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