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This is the first year under the lottery reform rules passed in September 2017 — more of an incremental step to deter blatant tanking than a complete overhaul.


" "We further wanted to know how incremental deviation from recommended sleep duration altered risk of mortality and cardiovascular risk.


Tech analysts have identified a plateau in smartphone design outside more incremental updates in advanced imaging, which means that many people are now happy to keep hold of the smartphones already in their pockets for longer.


Although the economy grew at a slower pace, incremental economic output remains strong, which is enough to create jobs, he added.


In his Founders' Letter of 2013, he warned that companies tend to grow comfortable doing what they have always done and only ever make incremental change.


It's not an 'incremental' improvement of 4 per cent; it's the difference between using it occasionally versus using it all the time," he says.


Called the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, the phones will offer small incremental upgrades from last year's models.


Given that the vast majority of Apple's growth in recent years has been driven by the iPhone, and that the high-end of the smartphone market is projected to have a tepid growth outlook, the auto market provides a huge, incremental market opportunity that could move the needle for Apple going forward.

谷歌与苹果 移动大战方兴未艾

With smartphone wars well advanced, he believes it is now all about smaller incremental advances, as Apple and Google slug it out for global advantage.


In what is best described as an incremental move in an ongoing project, the People's Bank of China said it would lower the down payments people with an existing mortgage pay on their second home loan to 40 per cent from 50 per cent.


There are virtually no business or investment activities permitted in the Shanghai zone that are not also allowed in the rest of China, and the reforms that have been announced so far have been tiny and incremental.

为什么更新iOS 8的人越来越少

A small, incremental software update to iOS 8, dubbed iOS 8.

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