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Marilla intercepted the look and said grimly: "I'm going to drive over to White Sands and settle this thing.

罗斯归来!状元有水货 MVP不会有

Karl-Anthony Towns intercepted a bad pass from Booker, and Rose hit the second of two foul shots to tie it at 114 with 30.


After a warning from Europol, the investigation began and the police quickly locked up a suspicious buyer and intercepted a cargo ship, which is filled with 13,320 cases of fake milk powder.


The point, though, apart from sheer wackiness, is that neutrinos are not easily intercepted by collisions with other sorts of matter.


The point, though, apart from sheer wackiness, is that neutrinos are not easily intercepted by collisions with other sorts of matter.


But passwords can be difficult to remember, stolen or intercepted.


Judge Alison Nathan said the "horrible, serious and quite terrifying offense" required a severe sentence, but added that no one had been harmed by the plot because Le's communications were intercepted online.


Many understood him to be taking aim at internet communications services that use end-to-end encryption, a now-common technology that makes it impossible to read messages even if they are intercepted in transit.


With the help of a friend who worked at a local supermarket, he occasionally intercepted outdated, dumpster-bound TV dinners.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 02

Just at the door the captain aimed at the fugitive one last tremendous cut, which would certainly have split him to the chine had it not been intercepted by our big signboard of Admiral Benbow.

He Never Missed a Game

In the closing seconds of the game, this kid intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown.

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