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Lu has been most admired for the ardour of his patriotic poems, in which he protested the Jin invasion of Song in 1126, the year after his birth, and chided the Southern Song court for its passive attitude toward driving out the invaders and reconquering its lost northern territories.

夏威夷僧海豹鼻子被鳗鱼堵住 陷入窘态

A photo of a Hawaiian monk seal with the wormlike sea creature dangling from its schnoz went viral this week -- and at least three more have been spotted enduring the booger-like invaders, according to the Washington Post.

米歇尔·奥巴马旅游日志: 游览长城

But it has always served as not only a physical barrier, but a psychological one to intimidate potential invaders.


The Japanese invaders tried several times to plunder it.


13, 1937 when Japanese invaders first occupied Nanjing, China, they began six weeks of destruction, pillage and slaughter in the city, which were planned, organized and purposefully executed by the Japanese Army.


The result is that a lonely person's body has let its defenses down to viral and other invaders.

高适: 燕歌行并序

To repel the savage invaders, our generals, leaving their families, Strode forth together, looking as heroes should look; And having received from the Emperor his most gracious favour, They marched to the beat of gong and drum through the Elm Pass.

安徒生童话英文版:The Little Green Ones

A regiment of invaders were eating it up; and, by the way, it was a very decent and respectable regiment, dressed in green uniforms.

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