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CHAPTER XIX Of course, the Stirlings had not left the poor maniac alone all this time or refrained from heroic efforts to rescue her perishing soul and reputation.


Shovan,—— I work long hours like a maniac every day.


Maniac, a black comedy based on a Norwegian series from 2014, sees the Superbad duo playing strangers brought together after agreeing to trial a mysterious drug treatment thought to cure any mental illness or heartbreak, but one that leaves some surprising side effects in its wake.


Certificate maniac refers to many job-seeking youngsters, like graduating college students, who devote their time to preparing for exams that award an array of certificates proving their language and computer skills in the hope of securing an edge over other applicants in the job market.


Do you really need to go to the gym five days a week unless you are a gym maniac?


You might work like a maniac for an excessive amount of hours each week because the startup is in a race to beat the clock, trying to create a product or service and establish a market before the money runs out.


Accidental spot Wang has been a plane model maniac since he can remember.

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