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Liu was one of the first mathematicians known to leave roots unevaluated, giving more exact results instead of approximations.


Nearly half a century after publishing his final paper in 1952, chemists and biological mathematicians came to appreciate the power of his late work to explain problems they were solving, like how zebrafish get their stripes or cheetahs get spots.

小故事背诵达人第22篇:Free Ride

Unit 22 Free Ride 22 Three engineers and three mathematicians are traveling by train to a conference.


She then transformed her team of skilled mathematicians and scientists, initially hired as "subprofessionals", into experts in the new technology.

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This is one reason that mathematicians, novelists, composers and entrepreneurs often produce their most creative works at a young age.


Mathematicians have the Fields Medal, given every four years to particularly brilliant researchers under the age of 40.


Appearing to be one of the most incomprehensible games in the human history, it even aroused the attention of Western mathematicians.


"I would liken it to mathematicians calculating sums on slide rulers before computers.


Cheng pulled from the oven a perfectly baked specimen of what she calls Bach pie, named for the great composer beloved by mathematicians everywhere: an oblong rectangle of creamy dark chocolate studded with banana slices and topped by an Escher-like braid of four glazed pastry plaits that followed divergent trajectories, never quite crisscrossing where you expected them to.


The Use of Negative Numbers The introduction of negative numbers is a great contribution to mathe-matics by ancient Chinese mathematicians.


The question of how to win at rock-paper-scissors has, believe it or not, plagued mathematicians and game theorists for some time.

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This is one reason that mathematicians, novelists, composers and entrepreneurs often produce their most creative works at a young age.


The question of how to win at rock-paper-scissors has, believe it or not, plagued mathematicians and game theorists for some time.


That kind of reasoning leads some mathematicians, who are governed by numerical laws and properties, to believe they have one up on numerologists.


In recent years, physicists and mathematicians have pondered why our cords are such jerks all the time.


Wednesday – not Monday – is the worst day of the week, according to research by two American applied mathematicians.

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