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However, Dorothea was crying, and if she had been required to state the cause, she could only have done so in some such general words as I have already used: to have been driven to be more particular would have been like trying to give a history of the lights and shadows, for that new real future which was replacing the imaginary drew its material from the endless minutiae by which her view of Mr.


Our vanities differ as our noses do: all conceit is not the same conceit, but varies in correspondence with the minutiae of mental make in which one of us differs from another.


Executives obsess over the minutiae of ad placement and traveller spending as much as the cut of the bellman's cape.


Silicon Valley technologists love to explain how they have disrupted the minutiae of daily life, from our commutes to the ways we share family photos.

忙得来不及思考 你可能得了匆忙病

It's just that being 'connected' every minute of the night and day means people are easily distracted by minutiae instead of taking time to slow down a bit and ask the big, important questions.

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