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Within the plants, the transport of naturally charged particles, such as bicarbonate and calcium ions, speed up and metabolic activities, like carbon dioxide absorption and photosynthesis, also increase.


The whole process is called photosynthesis.


That would almost certainly mean something akin to photosynthesis was going on, for no known non-biological process can produce oxygen from common materials in sufficient quantity.


Other innovations include artificial photosynthesis to make hydrocarbons in laboratories to power cars, and high-altitude wind power that involves kites and hot-air balloons acting as aerial wind turbines.


His technology harnesses photosynthesis, the process plants use to convert carbon dioxide into chemical energy using light.


That would almost certainly mean something akin to photosynthesis was going on, for no known non-biological process can produce oxygen from common materials in sufficient quantity.


Scientists modify photosynthesis to boost crop yield 18 November 1118 Last month scientists at Illinois University made a breakthrough that could herald a second green revolution for world agriculture – they improved the efficiency of photosynthesis, the process by which plants turn sunlight into the biomass that is the source of all our food.


On the other hand,we should plant more trees to absorb more carbon dioxide in the air and let trees release more oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.

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