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But Will was looking as stubborn as possible, with his lip pouting and his fingers in his side-pockets.


" She was almost pouting: it did seem to her very hard in Dodo to go away from the baby when she might stay.


Young Ladislaw did not feel it necessary to smile, as if he were charmed with this introduction to his future second cousin and her relatives; but wore rather a pouting air of discontent.


" Celia's face had the shadow of a pouting expression in it, the full presence of the pout being kept back by an habitual awe of Dorothea and principle; two associated facts which might show a mysterious electricity if you touched them incautiously.


Last week I was sent a dull press release about a wealth management business and as I hovered my cursor over the email to delete it, a picture of a pouting blonde popped up.


But as more stars jump on the bandwagon, these apps begin to represent little more than a branding opportunity: Ansel Elgort sticking out his tongue; Ansel Elgort pouting; Ansel Elgort wearing headphones.

Story of Joseph约瑟的故事(1)

Disobeying their parents or pouting, perhaps mistreating the animals, or talking mean to each other or saying dirty things.

安徒生童话英文版:Two Maidens

"One must be able to adapt one's self to time and circumstances, and if there is a law that the 'maiden' is to be called 'hand-rammer,' why, she must be called 'hand-rammer,' and no pouting will avail, for everything has its measure.

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