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Thank ye, sir, thank ye," said Dagley, with a loud snarling irony which made Fag the sheep-dog stir from his seat and prick his ears; but seeing Monk enter the yard after some outside loitering, Fag seated himself again in an attitude of observation.


He at once took a pin from his lapel and was going to prick his flesh, but Tom said: "Hold on!


When a compliment could keep my mind occupied for hours on end and a harsh word could prick like a pin the same skin which now seems dry and insensitive.


Ears prick up when they hear words like "Magna Cum Laude" or "Top of class" much more than when they hear "Passed all of her classes and ended up mid-level in rankings.


Today's junior prick, tomorrow's senior partner.


Prick up your ears.


I'm afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level.


You'll only feel a small prick.


When a compliment could keep my mind occupied for hours on end and a harsh word could prick like a pin the same skin which now seems dry and insensitive.


And when eleven of them had said their say, in came the uninvited thirteenth, burning to revenge herself, and without greeting or respect, she cried with a loud voice: "In the fifteenth year of her age the princess shall prick herself with a spindle and shall fall down dead.


Prick up your ears.


Prick up your ears.

英语名人名言:Ambition 野心、抱负

1 I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself, and falls on the other.

格林童话英文版:Little Briar-Rose

She wished to avenge herself for not having been invited, and without greeting, or even looking at anyone, she cried with a loud voice, the king's daughter shall in her fifteenth year prick herself with a spindle, and fall down dead.

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