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Catherine, though she could not help wondering that with such perfect command of his horse, he should think it necessary to alarm her with a relation of its tricks, congratulated herself sincerely on being under the care of so excellent a coachman; and perceiving that the animal continued to go on in the same quiet manner, without showing the smallest propensity towards any unpleasant vivacity, and (considering its inevitable pace was ten miles an hour) by no means alarmingly fast, gave herself


Given their propensity for having a low boredom threshold, they can "chop and change" their mates several times in their lifetime – especially the male of the species.


Given their propensity for having a low boredom threshold, they can "chop and change" their mates several times in their lifetime--especially the male of the species.

Account of My Travels 游历记述

This rambling propensity strengthened with my years.

研究显示 长时间待在教室会导致近视

They found that while the number of years at school and college strongly influenced eyesight, there was no effect in the opposite direction: propensity to myopia did not lead people to remain in education for longer.


" People in relationships who live together have a greater propensity towards egalitarian views than those who move from being single directly into married life, Ishizuka said.


In both the pilot and the replication group, the team found a correlation between a high number of Facebook friends, objectification of those friends, time spent on Facebook, a propensity to compare oneself to others, and materialism .


Pinning down this effect has limitations, though, like people's propensity for following others like them.


This wildcat, which is a distant relation of the western wildcat, is well-known for its propensity to frequent areas with a strong human presence.


Women showed a propensity to use social media sites and shop online, while men were more likely than women to use the internet for gaming and pornography.


He looks like a terrible monster, part human and part pig, who often gets himself and his companions into trouble through his laziness, gluttony, and propensity for lusting after pretty women.


The "I'm smarter than everyone else" response indicates both low self-awareness and poor propensity for teamwork.


Stewart cast him as a journalist with a propensity for personal exaggeration and commented on the failure of the news media to thoroughly question the underpinnings of the Iraq War.

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