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You are never, under any circumstances or under any provocation, to cast it up to me that I asked you to marry me.


She liked his nice voice which sounded as if it might become caressing or wooing with very little provocation.

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Cambridge-based artist Anna Brownsted said her fountain piece "was an invitation to respond, a provocation".

赛中放屁 瑞典球员被红牌罚出场

A Swedish footballer has hit out after being sent off for breaking wind during a match – with the referee accusing him of "deliberate provocation" and "unsportsmanlike behaviour".


The first measured their levels of aggression by asking them to rate how much statements such as 'Given enough provocation, I may hit someone' sounded like them.

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In those days, sporting fur in public seemed like an act of deliberate provocation — even before you factored in the issues of privilege and wealth.


He cried easily and withdrew at the slightest provocation.

伊索寓言:The Eagle and the Beetle

The Eagle gave the first provocation in seizing upon and in eating the young ones of the Beetle.

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