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" Vigorous puffs, and a resolute stare into the grate, declared he had no ear for this appeal.


Then by and by the darkness outside the carriage window is touched by puffs of cloudy whiteness, then you see a blue light on the walls of the tunnel, then the sound of the moving train changes once more, and you are out in the good open air again, and grown-ups let the straps go.


She dresses beautifully, and her sleeve puffs are bigger than anybody else's in Avonlea.


It was as easy as could be to imagine they were puffed when I was alone in the east gable, but it was awfully hard there among the others who had really truly puffs.


After the sundown supper they would huddle together on the river bank, and send the mosquitoes whining and eddying back from the malignant puffs of twenty-three reeking pipes.


Another circlet of them went round her hair, dressed in the low puffs that became her.


Rich, golden-brown hair, elaborately dressed, with a sparkling bandeau holding its glossy puffs in place; large, brilliant blue eyes and thick silken lashes; face of rose and bare neck of snow, rising above her gown; great pearl bubbles in her ears; the blue-white diamond flame on her long, smooth, waxen finger with its rosy, pointed nail.


Valancy had hankered to do her hair pulled low on her forehead, with puffs above the ears, as Olive was wearing hers.


By moving to bran flakes from rice puffs for breakfast, wholemeal rather than white bread for a sandwich at lunchtime, and brown rice instead of white for dinner, you can raise your fibre intake by several grams.


Next time you're craving those Cheeto Puffs, eat them.


Potato chips, crackers, corn puffs 、、 According to Larson, "These snacks are filled with air and loaded with sodium, fat, and calories.


Crab Rangoons Crab Rangoons consist of stuffed crab puffs filled with cream cheese then dipped in sweet and sour, plum or duck sauce.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(24)

Now he was walking toward us, hands on his hips, his sneakers kicking up little puffs of dust.


Gathering more of the obesity-prone mice, they allowed all of them to grow heavy, but then started half on a daily 45-minute program of treadmill running, with encouragement provided by small puffs of air if they began to flag.

英语名人名言: Internet 互联网

After all, it was designed to withstand nuclear war, not just the puny huffs and puffs of politicians and religious fanatics.


There was now a fine, cold drizzle falling, and the wind had risen from its uncertain puffs into a steady blow.

安徒生童话英文版:The Sunbeam and the Captive

He only cries, "Tweet, tweet," and then perches himself near the grating, flutters his wings, pecks a feather from one of them, puffs himself out, and sets his feathers on end round his breast and throat.

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