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The mass of his feeling about Dorothea's marriage to Ladislaw was due partly to excusable prejudice, or even justifiable opinion, partly to a jealous repugnance hardly less in Ladislaw's case than in Casaubon's.


The question seemed a very dubious one to Will, and his repugnance to again entering into any relation with the banker might have made him dismiss it quickly, if there had not arisen in his imagination the probability that his judgment might be more safely determined by a visit to Middlemarch.


But Rosamond went home with a sense of justified repugnance towards her husband.


He deferred the intention from day to day, his habit of acting on his conclusions being made infirm by his repugnance to every possible conclusion and its consequent act.


Repugnance would have been surmounted by the immense need to win, if chance would be kind enough to let him.


" "No," said Will, feeling suspicion and repugnance rising so strongly within him, that without quite knowing what he did, he took his hat from the floor and stood up.

迷人四月天:Chapter 22

Briggs to force her to move about like this, to force her out of any place she wished to sit in; and she emerged from the daphne bushes feeling like some gaunt, stern figure of just resentment and wishing that she looked as gaunt and stern as she felt; so would she have struck repugnance into the soul of Mr.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 04

Overcoming a strong repugnance, I tore open his shirt at the neck, and there, sure enough, hanging to a bit of tarry string, which I cut with his own gully, we found the key.

一千零一夜:The Story of the First Old Man and of the Hind

I wished her to have this form rather than a stranger one, so that we could see her in the family without repugnance.

格林童话英文版:The Glass Coffin

My repugnance to his magic arts was, however,so great, that I vouchsafed him no answer.

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