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Elephants, rhinos and giraffes are all now more afraid of people than other apex predators, according to a scientific paper that supports the idea that humans are the world's "super predator".


Elephants, rhinos, bison, wildebeest and horses – oh my.


Familiar British animals like puffins and hedgehogs joined more exotic species like elephants, rhinos and polar bears on the list of species that have dropped in numbers massively between 1970 and 2014.

梅拉尼娅头戴木髓头盔 引发非洲群众不满

Dressed in riding pants, boots and a spotless white pith helmet, the former model climbed into an open-air vehicle for the safari, taking photos on her iPhone of zebras, giraffes, impalas, rhinos and hippos.


Rhinos make a squeaking sound to call for their friends when they're lost.


In late May, National Geographic Travel says that the watering holes start to dry up again, which lures giraffes and black rhinos from their hiding spots.


Forty percent of them - including rhinos, orangutans, gorillas and many big cats - are surviving on 20 percent or less of the land they once roamed.


India - tiger, saw scaled viper - 、 Tigers are the largest of all big cats and have been known to take down rhinos and small elephants.

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