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"My wife, knowing this was all a ruse, calmly responded, "Lady, if you don't leave your name and number, he won't know which one to call back,,.

日本这家公园损失16万张门票钱 只因售票员不会外语?

The ruse worked until late December 2016 when another member of staff witnessed him behaving strangely when issuing a ticket to a foreign visitor and alerted management.


" My wife, knowing this was all a ruse, calmly responded, "Lady, if you don't leave your name and number, he won't know which one to call back ,,.


Sir John Major has salvaged his reputation through the clever public-relations ruse of sitting around, mainly in The Oval, while history notices his good work.


" My wife, knowing this was all a ruse, calmly responded, "Lady, if you don't leave your name and number, he won't know which one to call back ,,.


But those complaints may have been a ruse by Kenyan officials to get out of the Nike contract so they could receive a bribe from another company, said a member of the executive board of Kenya's track and field federation, known as Athletics Kenya.

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" It's a not-so-secret ruse used by top companies specializing in home and furniture design, though many consumers remain oblivious.

格林童话英文版:The King's Son Who Feared Nothing

Then the giant thought of a ruse, and said, "I have got warm with fighting, and so have you.


The king's son, however, had employed a ruse, and had caused the whole staircase to be smeared with pitch, and there, when she ran down, had the maiden's left slipper remained stuck.

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