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"She was a governess in the family of some Roman prince, and the son of the house seduced her.


"She was a governess in the family of some Roman prince, and the son of the house seduced her.

Telecommuting (电子交通)

Many workers are seduced by rosy illusions of life as a telecommuter.


I want to seduce him/her or want to be seduced by him/he.

About Losing Weight 关于减肥

Nowadays, girls are easily seduced by the commercial advertisement.


You have to plan a course of action to curb your vulnerability to being seduced by something you know will trigger your need to snack.


I'm so glad you seduced me with your charming awkwardness.


Beautiful and exotic - Fez, Morocco It's easy to be seduced by a place as beautiful and exotic as Fez.


Television has seduced us all with the beguiling colours of coral reefs, but these are normally found in the tropics, a long way from home.

网吧 The Internet Bar

Second, as the teenagers are so innocent, they may be seduced by some bad people in the Internet bar, the teenagers may be adducted to other places and never come home again.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(17)

But despite his illiteracy, or maybe because of it, Hassan was drawn to the mystery of words, seduced by a secret world forbidden to him.


"Hats are part of English dress and culture, but we have an international audience that is seduced by glamour – and there is nothing more glamorous than a hat," says Foster's mentor Philip Treacy, whose numerous customers have included the late style-setter Isabella Blow, Lady Gaga and Madonna.

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