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When he had parted from her before, he had been in ignorance of facts which gave a new aspect to the relation between them, and made a more absolute severance than he had then believed in.


He went to study in Paris with the determination that when he came home again he would settle in some provincial town as a general practitioner, and resist the irrational severance between medical and surgical knowledge in the interest of his own scientific pursuits, as well as of the general advance: he would keep away from the range of London intrigues, jealousies, and social truckling, and win celebrity, however slowly, as Jenner had done, by the independent value of his work.


The chief executive said none of those who lost their job received a severance package when they were let go.


While working as a secretary for the London office of Amnesty International, Rowling was fired for daydreaming too much about "Harry Potter," and her severance check would help her focus on writing for the next few years.


No workers' compensation, no severance, no health insurance and I saw the fracturing of the American Dream and I saw my parents go through hopelessness and despair at the age of 7.


Britain's severance from the European unx is "not an amicable divorce" and the government should begin negotiating exit terms "immediately" rather than waiting for David Cameron to leave office EU Commission President Jean Claude Juncker has said.


They range from such items as preferred dividends and even severance payments to the legal and restructuring costs that Valeant, an acquisitive pharmaceutical company, notoriously deducted from its expense lines.


4 Don't sign a severance agreement immediately.


If you still want money, then it isn't an alimoney, it's severance pay.


With job searches taking longer, there are more jobseekers bumping up against their severance deadline (or their own mental deadline that tells them they should have found a job by now).


4 Don't sign a severance agreement immediately.

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