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They recalled the languorous siesta of hot mid-day, deep in green undergrowth, the sun striking through in tiny golden shafts and spots; the boating and bathing of the afternoon, the rambles along dusty lanes and through yellow cornfields; and the long, cool evening at last, when so many threads were gathered up, so many friendships rounded, and so many adventures planned for the morrow.


While old man Ellison was pottering among his flocks of sheep on his mile-an-hour pony, and while the Kiowa took his siesta in the burning sunshine at the end of the kitchen, Sam would lie on his cot thinking what a happy world he lived in, and how kind it is to the ones whose mission in life it is to give entertainment and pleasure.


Mid-day crisis When one is in a desperate need for a siesta because they become extremely tired in the afternoon and coffee isn't cutting it any longer.


But Spain has another longevity secret up its sleeve: the siesta.


The post-lunch slump is a familiar feeling for many people, often resulting in either a siesta or a masculine-sounding fizzy beverage.

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They studied 23,681 individuals living in Greece who had no history of coronary heart disease, stroke or cancer when they first volunteered, and found that those who took a 30-minute siesta at least three times a week had a 37% lower risk of heart-related death.


These workers have no time for a siesta in summer.

西班牙奇葩用餐时间 都是时区惹的祸

" Spaniards have traditionally coped with their late nights by taking a mid-morning coffee break and a two-hour lunch break, giving them the opportunity to enjoy one of the country's most infamous traditions: the siesta.


A spokesman for the town hall told The Local: 'Many people here work in the countryside, so it's very usual to take a long lunch break and have a siesta after eating.


A spokesman for the town hall told The Local: 'Many people here work in the countryside, so it's very usual to take a long lunch break and have a siesta after eating.


Not only will you feel more awake and alert after a short nap, research suggests a siesta can improve memory, creativity and productivity.


As well as allowing residents to return to their properties and spend a few hours catching up on sleep, the siesta time is also intended to bring quiet to municipality of Ador.

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