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Mother put her head out of the window, and it wasn't half a minute after that she was in the garden kneeling by the side of Peter, who never for an instant ceased to squeal.


Now, if I have rhubarb pie for supper, and the ham sandwich doesn't squeal when they put mustard on it, I'll tell you about Brighteyes and the peanut candy in the next story.


The Mole and the Rat followed silently, swinging themselves successfully into the hole as they had seen the Badger do; but when it came to Toad's turn, of course he managed to slip and fall into the water with a loud splash and a squeal of alarm.


They were investigating one of the hummocky bits the Rat had spoken of, when suddenly the Mole tripped up and fell forward on his face with a squeal.

A fascination for motorcycles 迷恋摩托车

The sight of one would always bring forth squeal of delight, accompanied by excited remarks of "look at that!


Aside from this making you squeal with delight, it might also be helping your marriage.


, too late to call anyone, to squeal our news to family and friends.


" The cub, described as "a little pink sausage", gave a loud squeal as it was born, according to the park's zoological director Tim Bouts.

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