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" The invitation offered an agreeable distraction to Maggie's grief, and her tears gradually subsided as she trotted along by Luke's side to his pleasant cottage, which stood with its apple and pear trees, and with the added dignity of a lean-to pigsty, at the other end of the Mill fields.


But she lost energy at last even for her loud-whispered cries and moans: she subsided into helpless sobs, and on the cold floor she sobbed herself to sleep.


Bulstrode's remonstrance subsided into pity for poor Rosamond, whose extravagant education she had always foreseen the fruits of.


He made a grimace which was habitual with him whenever he was "out" in a game; then subsided into a laugh, and drew a brandy-flask from his pocket.


Dorothea sat down and subsided into calm silence, feeling happier than she had done for a long while before.


At last, as the cheering and hammering slowly subsided, a voice could be made out saying, "Well, I do not propose to detain you much longer"—(great applause)—"but before I resume my seat"—(renewed cheering)—"I should like to say one word about our kind host, Mr.


The barge-horse was not capable of any very sustained effort, and its gallop soon subsided into a trot, and its trot into an easy walk; but Toad was quite contented with this, knowing that he, at any rate, was moving, and the barge was not.


They could see the gape of his tiny beak as he yawned in a bored sort of way, looked round, and then settled his head into his back again, while the ruffled feathers gradually subsided into perfect stillness.


Hour after hour passed away, and the wearied Catherine had heard three proclaimed by all the clocks in the house before the tempest subsided or she unknowingly fell fast asleep.


Gilbert had whisked the pin out of sight and was studying his history with the soberest face in the world; but when the commotion subsided he looked at Anne and winked with inexpressible drollery.


He surveyed the prize; walked around it; smelt at it from a safe distance; walked around it again; grew bolder, and took a closer smell; then lifted his lip and made a gingerly snatch at it, just missing it; made another, and another; began to enjoy the diversion; subsided to his stomach with the beetle between his paws, and continued his experiments; grew weary at last, and then indifferent and absent-minded.


But they noted that the water level had subsided.


After they stopped using the products, the symptoms subsided.

把喷嚏憋回去 可能引发身体损伤

The patient was admitted to hospital where he was fed by a tube and given intravenous antibiotics until the swelling and pain had subsided.


"The wound itself is still weeping but the swelling has subsided and it seems to be healing well," Bumi Hills Foundation shared on Facebook.


After the bumps had subsided, she exited the bathroom, a look of sheer terror etched on her face.


As the coast subsided from volcanic activity, Baiae gradually disappeared underwater, although some of the remains can still be seen on land.


After the Tang, however, the traffic along the road subsided, along with the grotto building and art of the period.


Those refugees were granted temporary asylum and required to return to their place of origin when the conflict subsided.


The storm on the sea subsided at once.

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