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We had moved to a mountain top house heated by a wood stove with only sulfur well water to drink.

万物简史 第53期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(17)

When Earth was only about a third of its eventual size, , it was probably already beginning to form an atmosphere, mostly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, and sulfur.

万物简史 第2期:引言(2)

Whatever else it may be, at the level of chemistry life is curiously mundane: ,,,: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, a little calcium, a dash of sulfur, 、、、、、, a light dusting of other very ordinary elements-nothing you wouldn't find in any ordinary drugstore-and that's all you need.


It's high in sulfur, which can also enter your bloodstream after eating, and exit through your lungs, which is why some people feel like they taste garlic for days after eating it.

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The project is expected to reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 595,700 tonnes, particulate matter by 3,700 tonnes, sulfur dioxide by 1,488 tonnes and nitrogen oxide by 4,442 tonnes.


When an onion grows it mixes with sulfur in the soil to create amino acid sulfoxides.


It's high in sulfur, which can also enter your bloodstream after eating, and exit through your lungs, which is why some people feel like they taste garlic for days after eating it.


76m tons of coal, 91 tons of sulfur dioxide and 285 tons of nitrogen oxide emissions will be cut annually.


Guo Liejin, head of the research team, said the technology called "supercritical steaming coal" will generate water instead of sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide or PM2.


Last year, major pollutants such as sulfur dioxide were reduced 21.


Under the draft law, the tax will be levied based on emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust and ammoniacal nitrogen, as well as chemical oxygen demand.


Many of us are aware of the digestive upset and foul-smelling gas that results from a hearty serving of cabbage, cauliflower, or broccoli when this line-up of cruciferous veggies, or rather the sulfur compounds within, are absorbed by the body.


The study also noted that there was a large difference in particulate matter between the north and south, but not in other forms of air pollution such as sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide.


On Earth, primordial volcanic eruptions brought up lava containing huge amounts of volatile substances such as carbon dioxide, sulfur, water vapor, and chlorine.

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