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' "He spelt, and drawled over by syllables, the name—'Hareton Earnshaw.


He was supremely happy, perched like an amorphous bundle on the high stool, with his head thrown back, his eyes fixed on the opposite cornice, and his lips wide open, sending forth, with all his might, impromptu syllables to a tune of Arne's which had hit his fancy.


" said Sir James, with bitter emphasis, feeling that the syllables of this word properly repeated were a sufficient exposure of its hatefulness.


Dorothea, he said to himself, was forever enthroned in his soul: no other woman could sit higher than her footstool; and if he could have written out in immortal syllables the effect she wrought within him, he might have boasted after the example of old Drayton, that,— "Queens hereafter might be glad to live Upon the alms of her superfluous praise.


We are angered even by the full acceptance of our humiliating confessions—how much more by hearing in hard distinct syllables from the lips of a near observer, those confused murmurs which we try to call morbid, and strive against as if they were the oncoming of numbness!


The only deficiency in her Putonghua (standardized spoken Mandarin) is a Beijing accent in which growling er sounds unfurl the end of many syllables.


Ophelia Morgan-Dew, of Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire spoke her first word 'hiya' which had two syllables at eight months and quickly learned numbers, colours and the alphabet.

英语故事:铭记 Remember

It had too many syllables for just one footfall, though, so instead it was slower, more measured.


At school they say my name funny as if the syllables were made out of tin and hurt the roof of your mouth.


Generating speech with computers is called text-to-speech (TTS) and up until now has worked by piecing together short pre-recorded syllables and sound fragments to form words.


The arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables suggests the transience of the life of the flower and the poet's emotional change.


These questions have such few syllables, but their depth is endless.


Also known as creaky voice, it involves elongating certain syllables so that they vibrate at the back of the throat, creating a tapping sound like a stick running along a railing.


Then, having demolished my adolescent dream structure at a single stroke, he wrote down three syllables: peace of mind.


These questions have such few syllables, but their depth is endless.


Then, haveing demolished my adolscent dream structure at a single stroke, he wrote down three syllables: peace of mind.


Sounds or syllables that are not stressed are shortened or combined with other sounds.


These questions have such few syllables, but their depth is endless.


It had too many syllables for just one footfall, though, so instead it was slower, more measured.

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