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Even the points it clings to—the things whence its subtle interlacings are swung—are scarcely perceptible: momentary touches of fingertips, meetings of rays from blue and dark orbs, unfinished phrases, lightest changes of cheek and lip, faintest tremors.


He sat up, looked about him, and tried to beat down the tremors, the yearnings, the old cravings that rose up and beset him and took possession of him entirely.

为躲避气旋 雪龙号科考船驶入南大洋浮冰区

The ship has lowered its speed from 15 knots to 9 knots to relieve tremors.


They can cause vomiting, increased temperature, tremors and a rapid heart beat.


Symptoms of mercury poisoning include tremors, memory problems, irritability, and changes in vision or hearing.


" In an audacious weekend raid that sent tremors through the world's banks, thehackers sent 35 fake orders from Bangladesh Bank via Swift to the central bank's account atthe Federal Reserve in New York.


"There is an ongoing possibility of ground slips from more strong tremors or the rain since yesterday.


About 60% of Japanese lifts are designed to detect tremors and stop at the closest floor before automatically opening their doors.


We believe there is a relatively low likelihood of large aftershocks with big tremors.


For nearly eight years, since the first tremors of what would become the global financial crisis were felt, global central banks have been the first responders, for better and worse, to a rolling series of panics and disappointing economic results.

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