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A lot of research focuses on how tumours grow in order to find metabolic targets to stop them, so this is a reminder that we should consider the metabolism of immune cells too.


The vitamin has been found to strengthen resistance to stomach tumours, and it was most protective in women.

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Red dates are thought to trigger cancer cell death by causing 'internal stress' in tumours, according to researchers from the Royal Society of Chemistry.


Prostate cancer tumours can be slow-growing 'pussycats' or aggressive, fast-growing, quick to spread and potentially deadly 'tigers'.


The latter two are considered extremely toxic and are strongly linked to deadly tumours and infertility, Lomonosov Moscow State University experts say.


Dr Asier Unciti-Broceta, from the University of Edinburgh's CRUK Edinburgh Centre, said: "We have discovered new properties of gold that were previously unknown and our findings suggest that the metal could be used to release drugs inside tumours very safely.

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Tumours usually begin with rogue cells whose growth can't be kept in check.


'Liquid biopsies' are hoped to revolutionise cancer treatment, by identifying people with slow-growing tumours and those most in danger.


Women with early-stage breast cancer are often given chemotherapy after surgery if their tumours are over a certain size or have started to spread to the lymph nodes, factors which suggest they have a high clinical risk of suffering a recurrence.


This is because the mouth bacteria that cause bleeding gums can travel via the blood to the bowel where they could trigger cancer or worsen existing tumours.


The drug, known as Rova-T, halted tumour growth in almost 90 per cent of patients with high levels of a specific protein, and shrank tumours in 39 per cent of sufferers, according to the study of about 71 participants, all of whom had failed to respond to other treatments.


The show is presented by Simon Rimmer, Kate Quilton and actor Adam Pearson, who suffers from neurofibromatosis, which has left his face covered in dozens of non-cancerous tumours.


Others suggest they can detect very small tumours before clinical tests can.


00072% get tumours in their laryngeal (voice box) cartilage at some point in their lifetime.

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The University of East Anglia scientists, who studied the diets of 171,940 women aged 25 to 55 for more than three decades, found that those who ate foods high in the antioxidant compounds flavonoids – including tea, red wine, apples and citrus fruits – had a much lower risk of developing ovarian tumours.


Results from individual participating countries have suggested an association between more than 10 years of mobile phone usage and some tumours.

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