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Concerned about the animal's health, officials said they took the pig because it was severely obese, had a skin condition and needed its tusks and nails groomed.


But after he had dug holes in the ground to get the gold, and killed all the elephants to get their ivory tusks, he went away secretly in his ship— without so much as saying 'Thank you.


Among the important cultural finds are gold and bronze masks, bronze ware, more than 100 ivory tusks, textiles and jade among other artifacts.

可悲! 非洲大象为自我保护而不再长象牙!

As National Geographic reports, the tusks on male elephants -- a sign of virility among the gentle giants -- are notably shrinking in size thanks to the effects of ivory poaching.

英语小故事:The sick lion

" So the boar came up and rushed at him with his tusks.


The price of ivory in China, the world's biggest market for elephant tusks, has fallen sharply, which may spell a reprieve from the intense poaching of the past decade.


" So the boar came up and rushed at him with his tusks.


But if China does not simultaneously tackle its much larger illegal trade in ivory the ban could perversely make it more lucrative for the poaching gangs who massacre Africa's elephants and ship their tusks to Asia.


But their significance wasn't understood until 1986, when archaeologists unearthed two pits of Bronze Age treasures, such as jades, about 100 elephant tusks and stunning8-feet-high (2.

一千零一夜:Seventh and Last Voyage

Then we went back to the forest together and dug a mighty trench in which we buried the elephant I had killed, in order that when it became a skeleton my master might return and secure its tusks.

伊索寓言:The Wild Boar and the Fox

A Wild Boar was whetting his tusks against a tree, when a Fox coming by, asked why he did so; "for," said he, "I see no reason for it; there is neither hunter nor hound in sight, nor any other danger that I can see, at hand.

伊索寓言:The Old Lion

A Boar rushed upon him, and avenged with a stroke of his tusks a long remembered injury.

伊索寓言:The Boar and the Ass

I do not care to foul my tusks with the blood of so base a creature.

格林童话英文版:The Singing Bone

In a certain country there was once great lamentation over a wild boar that laid waste the farmer's fields, killed the cattle, and ripped up people's bodies with his tusks.

格林童话英文版:The Valiant Little Tailor

When the boar perceived the tailor, it ran on him with foaming mouth and whetted tusks, and was about to throw him to the ground, but the active hero sprang into a chapel which was near, and up to the window at once, and in one bound out again.

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