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And he told her everything, from the time when, under the pressure of his difficulties, he unwillingly made his first application to Bulstrode; gradually, in the relief of speaking, getting into a more thorough utterance of what had gone on in his mind—entering fully into the fact that his treatment of the patient was opposed to the dominant practice, into his doubts at the last, his ideal of medical duty, and his uneasy consciousness that the acceptance of the money had made some difference in


"I am much obliged to you for giving me full notice," he said, with a firm intention in his tone, yet with an interruptedness in his delivery which showed that he spoke unwillingly.


Stroeve accompanied me unwillingly.


She contemplated it, however, in spite of this drawback, with much emotion, and, but for a yet stronger interest, would have left it unwillingly.


Miss Tilney drew back directly, and the heavy doors were closed upon the mortified Catherine, who, having seen, in a momentary glance beyond them, a narrower passage, more numerous openings, and symptoms of a winding staircase, believed herself at last within the reach of something worth her notice; and felt, as she unwillingly paced back the gallery, that she would rather be allowed to examine that end of the house than see all the finery of all the rest.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 33

" Billy Andrews insisted that Anne should ride on the front seat with him, so she unwillingly climbed up.

【双语】经典童话故事 青蛙王子

"Very unwillingly the Princess picked up the frog and carried him upstairs to her room.


The drone is also unlikely to be able to accurately detect when your pet stops, which could mean it is dragged along unwillingly.

金娃娃 The gold-children

" She touched the stone, though very unwillingly, with her forefinger, and he was immediately restored to his human shape.

小毛驴 The donkey

" He who was above replied as if unwillingly, "For a short time I will let you get into it, if you reward me and give me good words; but you must wait an hour longer, for one thing remains which I must learn before I do it.


" I looked to the left then looked to the right, certain of my own geographic location and stood up unwillingly.

格林童话英文版:The Master-Thief

" She would not gainsay the count, and although she did it unwillingly she drew the ring from her finger, and gave it to him.

格林童话英文版:The Gold-Children

She touched the stone, though very unwillingly, with her forefinger, and he was immediately restored to his human shape.

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