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2022630《——》The new tool was tested and validated using historical data from the City of Chicago around two broad categories of reported events: violent crimes (homicides, assaults and batteries) and property crimes (burglaries, thefts, and motor vehicle thefts).


I validated that I'm not a terrible, negative person, AND optimistic people tend to live longer according to some studies.


Instead, they were validated using a computer program that determined they were statistically likely to be planets.


When we are validated by someone else, it triggers our psycho-biological reward system releasing dopamine into the brain.


The clinically validated questions, known as PHQ-9, can help identify the levels of depressive symptoms a person has and will pop up just from the search result.


Richard Mead, lecturer in neuroscience, says that Benevolent has already validated one pathway for drug discovery and opened up a surprising new one.


"They felt validated when they got a lot of likes and comments, but they were also more likely to feel bad and disappointed when the reaction wasn't what they had hoped.


Just by matching the other person's energy and delivery, you make them feel heard and validated.


: Oprah Winfrey: We All Want To Be Understood ·: "I have to say the single most important lesson I learned in 25 years is there's a common denominator in our experience… We want to be validated.


You can always take a scientifically validated test, such as the one that comes with the Emotional Intelligence 2.


" Earnings reports so far have validated recent concerns over falling energy prices and a rising dollar that have led to the largest downgrade of earnings estimates since the financial crisis.

想做讨人喜欢的人 16件事情要努力

Repeating what someone said to you and reinforcing it will help people feel validated.


Instead, they were validated using a computer program that determined they were statistically likely to be planets.

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