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Sporting administrators are only now exploring ways to enable a return to training and competition at both professional and amateur levels.


In contrast to Western countries, teachers and administrators in most Asian countries often ask students to be self-disciplined both in and out of class.

美国高校国际学生入学人数连续下降 大学“哭穷”

Visa and immigration policy changes by the Trump administration have deterred some international students from enrolling, college administrators and immigration analysts said.

想进哈佛大学? 让你的父母去捐钱捐楼就行

A 2013 email exchange among Harvard administrators, for example, was presented at the trial last week.

梅拉尼娅头戴木髓头盔 引发非洲群众不满

Pith helmets -- so-called because they are made of the material sholapith -- were worn by European explorers and imperial administrators in Africa, parts of Asia and the Middle East in the 19th century before being adopted by military officers, rapidly becoming a symbol of status -- and oppression.

比尔·盖茨透露自己的育儿方针 爱和逻辑

It's a formula that was created by a group of three men — a mix of psychologists, psychiatrists and former school administrators.


Local telecommunication administrators are required to step up management over voice communication services provided by telecom and internet companies, and heighten oversight over call centers.


It's a formula that was created by a group of three men — a mix of psychologists, psychiatrists and former school administrators.


It's a formula that was created by a group of three men — a mix of psychologists, psychiatrists and former school administrators.


Mental health experts and college administrators recommend a more thoughtful organization of campus life and more candid conversations about the tricky transition to college.


But, administrators there say the four-year medical plant chemistry degree isn't for your stereotypical stoner.


Some of the umbrellas were believed to have been removed by city administrators, the paper reported.


The profile pictures, names and telephone numbers of the restaurants' managers and food safety administrators are posted on the screens.


In September 2014, 73 teachers and educational administrators from 45 English primary schools and relevant departments visited schools in Shanghai.


According to a one USTS employee, the contested homework was assigned by ranking administrators.


A school is an incredibly social environment where you will also have thousands of opportunities to put your foot in your mouth in front of colleagues, administrators, counselors, and maintenance staff.


A third grade student in Texas was surprised with a $10,000 scholarship and early admittance to a Texas university after a video of her saying her daily motivational mantra caught the eyes of university administrators.


The company, which employs ten full-time teachers and administrators, also has more than 1,000 students enrolled in extracurricular lessons in high schools.


Continued investigation of this research may have strong implications for policy makers, public health professionals and school administrators to consider simple and sustainable environmental changes in classrooms that can effectively increase energy expenditure and physical activity as well as enhance cognitive development and education outcomes.


His lawyers argued that Megaupload was an internet service provider similar to others and that the site's administrators had made efforts to move content that infringed copyright.

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