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It reached its second-smallest level on record in 2019, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said.


Ian Smith, a PhD student of Boston University in the United States, said: 'Cities are at the forefront of implementing climate mitigation policies including urban greening, to combat rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations.


In addition, other bands that are used to probe our weather include the 36-37 GHz band, which is used to study rain and snow; the 50 GHz band, which is used to measure atmospheric temperature; and the 86-92 Ghz band, which helps to analyse cloud and ice.

彻底禁用塑料无助环保 或增加温室气体排放量

The major environmental impact of glass and metal production is caused by atmospheric emissions from melting activities.

NASA将探访夏威夷海底火山 捞取外星人线索

NASA is teaming up with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) on the project.


Scientists supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said in a report that the area is only about 40 percent the average size predicted earlier this year based on nitrogen and other nutrients flowing down the Mississippi river.


Day or night, temperatures on Venus hover around 850 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure at the surface is a crushing 1,300 pounds per square inch.

战胜德国队 墨西哥球迷狂欢引发“人造地震”

A tweet from Mexico's Institute of Geological and Atmospheric Investigations would suggest so.


The new study revealed atmospheric differences between the gas and ice giants that could answer questions about the planets' early history, scientists said.


The chemicals found in items you use every day - like your shampoo, perfume and cleaning products - now have as much of an impact on air pollution as vehicle emissions, according to a new study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced last Wednesday that Earth's average temperature from January to June was 14.


Data from monitoring sites serves as key input to central and local governments for policy-making on environmental protection, which under no circumstances should be tampered, Wang Gengchen, a research fellow from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told the Global Times on Friday.


Scientists believe it may have started life as a mini-Neptune before some of its atmospheric gases were blasted away by intense radiation from the parent star.

为改善空气质量 哈尔滨禁烧冥币

"The prevention of atmospheric pollution is one of the factors that led to the government order," Yang Xiaodi, head of the environmental publicity, education, and information center of the Harbin Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, told Sixth Tone.


This has helped to create atmospheric conditions that have trapped pollution over China's major industrial hubs and populated areas like Beijing.

我国多地空气污染爆表 三大因素为元凶

Gong Zhengyu, atmospheric air chamber chief at China National Environmental Monitoring Center said that from November 2 to 6, the air quality index for over 10 cities in northeast China soared off the charts to surpass a maximum 500.


It pulls CO2 out of the air and combines with the iron to make an iron carbonate, which is stable in normal atmospheric conditions and doesn't produce any acid.


Scientists believe it may have started life as a mini-Neptune before some of its atmospheric gases were blasted away by intense radiation from the parent star.


Wang Zifa, a researcher with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was among a group of scholars raising doubts over the listing.


The milky white creature, nicknamed "Casper the Friendly Ghost" by Twitter users, was caught on cameras mounted on the craft as it explored the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 4,290 meters, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.

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