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Themselves at least he had never been unnatural enough to banish from his house, and it seemed hardly eccentric that he should have kept away Brother Jonah, Sister Martha, and the rest, who had no shadow of such claims.


The morning had passed away so charmingly as to banish all her friendship and natural affection, for no thought of Isabella or James had crossed her during their walk.


This DIY home face mask can also help to banish blackheads and whiteheads.


That's why they howl and croon about their loneliness when you banish them to the backyard or the laundry room at night (although men do that also).


Well, to banish them from the world is probably aiming a bit high but it shouldn't be too difficult to rid them from your own life.


9) Be prepared; banish fear of exams: ,.

How Should One Read a Book? 怎样读书?

If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read,that would be an admirable beginning.

你知道吗? 常说这些词的人可能患了抑郁症!

Banish absolutes, especially in relation to your goals or relationships, where falling short of your expectations can be particularly depressing.


Luckily, there are some tricks and strategies to help you banish those thingumabob moments.


Luckily, there are some tricks and strategies to help you banish those thingumabob moments.


Lemon juice to help remove armpit odour: If you have a perspiration problem and it's left your clothes yellow, simply spritz some lemon juice in the underarm area to banish the stain.

拜伦诗歌:If Sometimes in the Haunts of Men

If not the goblet pass unquaff'd, ,, It is not drain'd to banish care; ; The cup must hold a deadlier draught, , That brings a Lethe for despair.

西班牙奇葩用餐时间 都是时区惹的祸

"We should really banish the siesta in Spain because it doesn't fit with reality," Casero said.


Lemon juice to help remove armpit odour: If you have a perspiration problem and it's left your clothes yellow, simply spritz some lemon juice in the underarm area to banish the stain.


9) Be prepared; banish fear of exams: ,.


Banish glitter with play dough: If your children got over zealous with the glitter during their arts and crafts session, simply roll a ball of play dough over the spilled glitter to get rid of it.


While eating fried chicken, pizza and burgers will all entail a gym session of over an hour doing cardio or lifting weights, women have it far harder than men and must work extra hard to banish calorie-packed meals.


As clouds from yonder sun receive A deep and mellow dye, Which scarce the shade of coming eve Can banish from the sky, Those smiles unto the moodiest mind Their own pure joy impart; Their sunshine leaves a glow behind That lightens o'er the heart.


Natural ways to banish dark circles After a sleepless night you can have a shower, make you hair look nice and wear a cute outfit, but those dark circles aren't as easy to tackle.


Experts hope this knowledge could be used to elevate airplane food to new heights and banish bad meals.

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