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Had this meteor any relation to the phenomena going on in the bowels of the earth?


The boat stopped, and the colonists perceived a bright light illuminating the vast cavern, so deeply excavated in the bowels of the island, of which nothing had ever led them to suspect the existence.


Several times both listened, and they agreed that some chemical process was taking place in the bowels of the earth.


" replied the engineer quickly, "yes, even if I have to penetrate into the bowels of this island!


No smoke escaped from its sides; not a flame could be seen in the dark hollows; not a roar, not a mutter, no trembling even issued from this black well, which perhaps reached far into the bowels of the earth.


She'd a roasted his bowels out of him 'thout any more feeling than if he was a human!


Every morning at 8:00 I get up and try to move my bowels.

Touch Me 抚摸我

I have seen everything and I am none the wiser for the pain and suffering I have witnessed since I rose from the bowels of the earth.


Helps in Clearing Your Bowels Constipation is one of the most irritating conditions which also results in retention of toxins inside the body.

生活小科普:早上起床后 空腹喝水有7个好处

Helps in Clearing Your Bowels Constipation is one of the most irritating conditions which also results in retention of toxins inside the body.


Helps in Clearing Your Bowels Constipation is one of the most irritating conditions which also results in retention of toxins inside the body.


Crazy Work Deadlines When you're under the gun, your bowels may feel it too.


Lemon Water Citrus fruits are rich in the antioxidant de-limonene, a powerful compound found in the peel that stimulates liver enzymes to help flush toxins from the body and gives bowels a kick, according to the World Health Organization.


Lemon Water Citrus fruits are rich in the antioxidant de-limonene, a powerful compound found in the peel that stimulates liver enzymes to help flush toxins from the body and gives bowels a kick, according to the World Health Organization.


, The first time he had been sent beyond, all the old stories had come rushing back, and his bowels had turned to water.


According to a study, chewing gum after intestinal surgery can help reactivate paralyzed bowels and get patients out of the hospital sooner.


It can cause chronic damage to the bowels.


Giulia Enders, a German microbiologist, claims that people in Western countries are emptying their bowels in totally the wrong way - and instead of sitting on the loo, we should be squatting.


The tea is formulated to stimulate the bowels, and the soup will nurture, soothe and heal the gut's lining.


There were twelve brothers who fell out with their father, and all twelve of them left home They built themselves a house in the woods and made their living as carpenters Meanwhile their parents had a baby girl, who was a great comfort to them The child grew up without ever meeting her twelve brothers She had only heard them mentioned, and she longed to see them One day she went to bathe at a fountain, and the first thing she did was remove her coral necklace and hang it on a twig A raven cam

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