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英语世界文摘:What Is Cloud Computing?

,,,,,:What Is Cloud Computing?


After a couple of years', I tried my best at computing, it is the one natural gift that I have been blessed with.

全球首个'数字人'诞生 人类可在云端永生不朽?

If all goes according to plan, future generations will be able to "interact" with him using mobile devices or voice computing platforms, such as Amazon's Alexa, asking him questions, eliciting stories and drawing upon a lifetime's worth of advice long after his physical body is gone.

英语美文:The Sky Is the Limit

Unlike computing, where costs have been driven steadily down and performance continuously increases, the rocket-launching business has made little progress since the 1960s.


In August, Beijing city agricultural officials praised "raising pigs in a smart way" using the A-B-C-Ds: artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing and data technology.


He'll also be taught by specialist teachers in the subjects of French, computing, art/design, technology, music, drama, P.

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Microsoft's big bet on cloud computing is paying off as the company has surpassed Apple as the world's most valuable publicly traded company.

iPhone XR测评:适合我们大多数人的实惠机型

In speed tests measuring a single computing core with a benchmarking app, the XR was just as fast as the XS, 49 percent faster than Google's Pixel 3 and 45 percent faster than Samsung's Galaxy S9.


The e-commerce giant has been working to expand its cloud computing arm in Europe in recent months, and has also opened centres in Frankfurt this year.


Developed by Aliyun, Alibaba's cloud computing and AI subsidiary, the Alipay add-on relies on an AI algorithm trained on more than 150,000 pictures of muskmelons with differing levels of ripeness.

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Cloud computing is the world's fastest growing market, with an annual growth rate of 30%, according to public data.


In January, the company came under scrutiny after security researchers disclosed flaws that they said could let hackers steal sensitive information from nearly every modern computing device containing chips from Intel Corp, Advanced Micro Devices Inc and ARM Holdings.


Among the specific goals, China will boost support to intelligently connected vehicles and aims to establish a reliable computing platform by 2020.

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According to Synergy, Alibaba's cloud computing service ranks second in the Asia-Pacific region, behind Amazon Web Services, whose market share is around 40%.


Many have heard of Alan Turing, the mathematician and logician who invented modern computing in 1935.

乔布斯传 第102期:划时代的Mac(5)

But he could not have pulled off what Jobs did, which was to create and market a machine that would transform personal computing.

乔布斯传 第89期:抢劫施乐的创意(4)

"I could see what the future of computing was destined to be.

乔布斯传 第86期:抢劫施乐的创意

This uses a lot of computing power, but it permits gorgeous graphics, fonts, and gee-whiz screen displays.

乔布斯传 第54期:计算机俱乐部(2)

100,, Presiding with a pointer and a free-form manner was Lee Felsenstein, ·, another embodiment of the merger between the world of computing and the counterculture.

乔布斯传 第51期:热浪滚滚的时代(2)

"Computing went from being dismissed as a tool of bureaucratic control to being embraced as a symbol of individual expression and liberation," ",.

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