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迷人四月天:Chapter 13

Holidays, of course, were good, and were recognised by everybody as good, but ought they so completely to blot out, to make such havoc of, the realities?


"Nonsense," said Diana, whose black eyes and glossy tresses had played such havoc with the hearts of Avonlea schoolboys that her name figured on the porch walls in half a dozen take-notices.


Her white night had played fearful havoc with her face.


Peter sprang a couple of yards in the air, and then delivered a war-whoop and set off round and round the room, banging against furniture, upsetting flower-pots, and making general havoc.


A WWF report published on Wednesday, warns: "The risk of a new [wildlife-to-human] disease emerging in the future is higher than ever, with the potential to wreak havoc on health, economies and global security.


They are all enemies of peace and will play havoc with your harmony.


You would expect the puppies to have wreaked havoc on the school, right?


Riot police were overrun over the weekend as protesters wrought havoc in Paris's fanciest neighborhoods, torching cars, looting boutiques and smashing up luxury private homes and cafes in the worst disturbances the capital has seen since 1968.


But while the total retreat of sugar maples out of the US may still be several decades away, climate is already wreaking havoc on its most prized products — maple syrup — today.


But while the total retreat of sugar maples out of the US may still be several decades away, climate is already wreaking havoc on its most prized products — maple syrup — today.


Three night shifts in a row had little impact on the body's master clock in the brain, researchers found, but it played havoc with gut function, throwing the natural cycle out by a full 12 hours.

常上夜班干扰身体节律 对肠胃破坏极大

Three night shifts in a row had little impact on the body's master clock in the brain, researchers found, but it played havoc with gut function, throwing the natural cycle out by a full 12 hours.


As it happens, those multiple glasses, or a bottle, of red wine can actually be quite harmful to your body - and wreak havoc on your skin.


Although a helium balloon can rise to altitudes of 8 kilometers into Earth's atmosphere, it's got to come back down eventually, and when it does, it wreaks some havoc.


Even healthy veggies can wreak havoc on your teeth.


, If there's one thing that's sure to wreak havoc with the best of intentions, it's stress.


The Zika virus can wreak havoc on the brain of a developing fetus, but its destructive power may also be harnessed to fight a stubborn form of adult brain cancer, researchers said.


Sierra Forbush, a research assistant at the university's Sleep and Health Research Program, says changing your sleeping habits at the weekend can wreak havoc on your biological clock.


The report comes on the heels of a worldwide warning that computers and social media are wreaking havoc on the health of young people.


Keep some things to yourself and don't promote havoc by hurting people you love.

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