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Apparently, you can take the boy out of Microsoft and take the Microsoft out of the boy.


And apparently that little shade of a difference was the main thing that made the characters as popular as they became.


Monsanto's soya beans were apparently fed to fish for10weeks before being approved.

真真假假 比伯赛琳娜再传婚讯

" Apparently, these days, Bieber only has eyes for Gomez.


The patent-pending caffeine spray is an odourless liquid that is absorbed through the skin and distributed through the body over a number of hours to deliver a caffeine hit that apparently lasts longer than guzzling a cup of coffee.

宿醉如何解酒 专家说起床再喝一杯

Raw eggs with or without Worcestershire sauce is apparently one cure; others eat chocolate or a bacon sandwich - but the answer could be as simple as to carry on doing what you were doing that caused the hangover – have a drink.


Apparently, there's more to lavender than meets the nose.


More specifically--and not incidentally if you live in China--it can apparently help your body better deal with air pollution.


She has been voted the sexiest woman alive, but now it emerges that one reason may be that Scarlett Johansson apparently has the perfect nose.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 22

Apparently they were talking and laughing, though at that distance--upwards of a mile--I could, of course, hear no word of what was said.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 15

"Jim, Jim," says he, quite pleased apparently.


Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact.

笨贼赖在树上17小时 阻交通引众怒

Adam Martin-Lawrence wrote: 'How many people does it take to drag a burglar out of a tree at Charlton - apparently many, but none of them can lay a finger on the guy.


Its twin disasters – one passenger jet lost and the other apparently shot down – are too unusual to generate advice for anyone else.


Defying the norm of feline-canine relations, apparently they have always been friends.


That was enough for the new computers to have had a large (and apparently malign) influence on fourth-grade maths scores.


As far back as Charles Darwin, scientists have noted that apes make characteristic sounds during play or while being tickled, apparently to signal that they're interested in playing.


He almost always won, and I knew that, with me, he didn't have a chance However, apparently he didn't realize that as deeply as I did at the time.

碧昂斯将分手 与Jay Z婚姻亮红灯

After Beyonce apparently removed her IV engagement tattoo, Life & Style magazine claimed Bey and Jay were heading for a "$1 billion divorce" on a May cover.

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