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中国的厕所革命 从马桶开始

"People apparently wanted a toilet like their iPhone," he says.


If you have ever fought over the TV remote with your partner, you are in good company – the whole nation is, apparently, having a similar battle.


TARS: Lower than yours apparently.

寒流来袭 6个取暖小窍门

Although you might already know that a space heater is a great way to heat up a room, or that Canadian Goose is apparently the jacket of 2013, there are other important warming techniques you might be getting wrong.


" Co-workers frown and exchange suspicious looks; apparently I'm one of those rain-loving slugs.


Apparently, being a Parisian woman has its own requirements.


Apparently even the monks were preaching that hunting was anti-Buddhist.


Emirates lets an unlimited number of passengers talk on their phones — though few apparently do.

他杀! 梵高之死的惊人真相

On his death bed he apparently revealed he had shot himself.


This sense of an inauthentic virtual world has apparently caused them to post less.


And apparently that little shade of a difference was the main thing that made the characters as popular as they became.


Watching TV and responding to emails apparently don't have an adverse effect.


Joe Wong, apparently, has done both.


"We have yet to learn what knowledge the white man—lost, houseless, shipless, apparently forgotten by his race, plainly famine-stricken, weak, frozen, helpless, and dying—has of the gentleness of the Esquimaux nature," Dickens wrote.


The brief stroll down memory lane apparently made life seem worthwhile, at least to the English students in that experiment.


Apparently, you can take the boy out of Microsoft and take the Microsoft out of the boy.


And apparently that little shade of a difference was the main thing that made the characters as popular as they became.


Monsanto's soya beans were apparently fed to fish for10weeks before being approved.

真真假假 比伯赛琳娜再传婚讯

" Apparently, these days, Bieber only has eyes for Gomez.


The patent-pending caffeine spray is an odourless liquid that is absorbed through the skin and distributed through the body over a number of hours to deliver a caffeine hit that apparently lasts longer than guzzling a cup of coffee.

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