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I'll appoint Sam Bell acting sheriff with penitentiary powers while I'm away, and you and me will take the six forty-five northbound to-morrow evening and follow up this trail.


"I must tell you," she sobbed, "that Valancy has been acting very strangely for over two weeks now.


He drifted listlessly down the street and found Jim Hollis acting as judge in a juvenile court that was trying a cat for murder, in the presence of her victim, a bird.


My opinion didn't stop Twitter's success any more than it convinced Kobe Bryant to quit the NBA or Josh Hartnett to stop acting.


You tell yourself you want to learn more before you act, and it keeps you from acting for years.


Acting on the dream is harder.


Florian Zeller's film currently has a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, partly due to the writer-director's ingenious cinematic trickery, and partly due to the extraordinary acting.


NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine previously confirmed the news that the star was angling to go into space to further his impressive acting career.


If you focus on only acting in those few instances where you have a clear winner and watch for opportunities that come along every once in a while, sometimes years apart, you are likely to do better than the Wall Street analysts that stay up nights trying to decide if Union Pacific is worth $50 or $52.


: They were called uThree FeudatoriesThe Three Feudatories had their armies and set up their own separatist regime, acting like the independent kingdoms and spending a great deal of military expenditure, which made half of the national wealth be spent on them ".


The questionnaires measured two distinct types of on-the-job emotional regulation: surface acting and deep acting.


" Meralyn Kirkland, the child's grandmother, Kaia had been acting out because she was experiencing the side effects from sleep apnea, that the school was aware of the issues and that the family was working to get the issues resolved.


Raquel Lagunas, UNDP gender team acting director said: "We must act now to break through the barrier of bias and prejudices if we want to see progress at the speed and scale needed to achieve gender equality.


Sleep paralysis happens when the brain incapacitates the body to prevent it from acting out the vivid dreams occurring during REM (or, rapid eye movement) sleep.


" The acting FDA commissioner, Ned Sharpless, summed up the agency's position: "".


Another moves around in his sleep, acting out his dreams — and terrifying his partner in the process.

双语:“剩女”是这么甩掉的 十招必胜

Not only does this help you date better men, you'll also end up acting more genuinely around other guys you meet when the should-I-date-him pressure's off.


" or "Stop acting like him!

十大秘籍 摆脱前任找到靠谱的他

Not only does this help you date better men, you'll also end up acting more genuinely around other guys you meet when the should-I-date-him pressure's off.


" or "Stop acting like him!

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