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" Ma Jun, an environmental activist in Beijing, echoed that view, calling the Smog Free Tower project a form of "performance art" aimed at raising awareness about air pollution.


" He added: "The bank's ability to recruit Romer also seems to me to reflect some reputational gains in the last few years, where the bank has been seen as more activist and more relevant to a range of pressing global issues.


But, according to wellness activist and self-described "cancer thriver" Kris Carr, that can only happen if you've first done one important thing: accept yourself.


Altruistic, perhaps, but it is also a recipe for an activist attack.

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The Yamuna has suffered mightily in recent years from the dumping of solid waste in its waters, says an environmental activist in Agra, India, the site of the Taj Mahal.


So it will be interesting to see if Twitter's sagging stock price will attract any activist investors looking to shake things up.


Bacher, American social and activist .


The board's deliberations are also taking place under pressure from a prominent activist investor, the hedge fund Starboard Value, which has spent more than a year trying to push Yahoo to take action to raise its stock price.

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My work as a climate activist is the hardest and most fascinating I've ever done.


David Einhorn, the activist hedge fund manager, had been lauding Micron's prospects only hours before news of the bid emerged.

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BERLIN — A week at the American Academy in Berlin leaves me with two contradictory feelings: one is that Germany today deserves a Nobel Peace Prize, and the other is that Germany tomorrow will have to overcome its deeply ingrained post-World War II pacifism and become a more serious, activist global power.


"Delhi is a very green city," said Kamal Meattle, a Delhi-based air pollution activist.


" Soon after, an activist for the EFF circulated the policy statement on Twitter comparing it to George Orwell's description of the telescreens in his novel 1984 that listen to what people say in their homes.

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Moreover, the company's Chicagoland-oriented board did not need outside activist investors to force needed changes.


The list, which also includes Marilyn Monroe and 17-year-old girls' education activist Malala Yousafzai, was topped by pioneering Polish chemist Marie Curie, who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize – and won it twice.

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I want to be a vet when i grow up,I am an animal rights activist.


As for work, I am a doctor, an author, a public speaker, and a scholar of economist, social activist and politic scholar.

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