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They were far from being an irritable race; far from any quickness in catching, or bitterness in resenting, affronts: but here, when the whole was unfolded, was an insult not to be overlooked, nor, for the first half hour, to be easily pardoned.


A corner of it, catching her eye as she lay, seemed to rise up in judgment against her.


Thorpe; and this lady stopping to speak to her, they, as belonging to her, stopped likewise, and Catherine, catching Mr.


" was uttered at the same moment by Catherine; and, on catching the young men's eyes, the horse was immediately checked with a violence which almost threw him on his haunches, and the servant having now scampered up, the gentlemen jumped out, and the equipage was delivered to his care.

迷人四月天:Chapter 13

Fisher was not so noticeable, and Rose was beginning to revive a little, for Lotty's spirits were contagious as she described the delights of her day, a day which might easily to any one else have had nothing in it but a very long and very hot walk and sandwiches, when she suddenly said catching Rose's eye, "Letter gone?

迷人四月天:Chapter 11

If she went on like this, soon a nimbus might be expected round her head, was there already, if one didn't know it was the sun through the tree-trunks catching her sandy hair.

迷人四月天:Chapter 6

Wilkins, catching her by the arm.


That's Green Gables over—" "Oh, don't tell me," she interrupted breathlessly, catching at his partially raised arm and shutting her eyes that she might not see his gesture.


I'm not going to have you catching cold on my hands.


Nobody called her Doss or worried her about catching cold.


Nothing, it seemed, could prevent her from catching them.


And I was kept so busy catching him and bringing him back, that I turned to the left, instead of the right, when we reached the swamp.


They are all catching it—and they are dying in hundreds.


Save money on massive quantities of flowers and candles; the glow of your love is catching and becomes your gift to all of your guests.


Some of them might go into your mouth, but even constantly drinking water isn't going to prevent you from catching the virus.

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Asian university systems are catching up - with China and Japan continuing to perform strongly in the rankings.


We were doing drills practicing catching the football.


If you attempt to accomplish too many tasks simultaneously, the most likely outcome is that you will be overwhelmed in the forlorn hope of 'catching up'.


" Catching Mom's hand in hand, I blurted out how sorry I was for that night.


Quite often a person feels the need to lie about something - if you are the person being lied to, there are a few simple tips for catching the liar out.

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