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But vulnerable narcissists said they make their partners jealous to test how much their partner liked them, to seek security in their relationship or just to compensate for having low self-esteem.


Arrange a confirmed seat for you on the next available flight and will compensate you with a voucher worth several hundred dollars to use toward future flights.


But no matter how much leverage and ambition it injects into a company, a private equity fund cannot easily compensate for overpaying.


A Tennessee man who served 31 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit is petitioning the state to compensate him $1 million for the years of his life that were taken away.


And more profitable companies are unlikely to pay enough extra taxes to compensate for the loss of revenues.


These airliners will compensate for flight delays caused by maintenance, flight reallocation and errors by flight crews.

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If you think you can compensate with the strength of your own inner contemplation, you are wrong.


No longer able to promise their employees higher earnings over time, companies will now have to adjust, compensate, and make work more inspiring.


YOU FALL FOR THE "LOW-FAT" LABEL "" Avoid the Trap When companies alter processed foods like cookies, salad dressings, peanut butter, and fruit yogurt to become "low fat," they typically add sugar to compensate for taste.


Just how much poorer will depend on the quality of the relationship Britain retains with its biggest trading partner and on whether it can compensate for lost European opportunities by becoming a more attractive destination for others.


If you don't take in adequate fuel, your metabolism slows way down to compensate.


Given that monetary policy lacks muscle, many argue that public deficit spending must compensate for the lack of private demand.


"Mortality increases sharply during heat waves, mostly because people don't drink enough to compensate for their increased fluid losses," Dr.

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fund, the two people said, to compensate for the environmental impact of its cars, which were fitted with software that enabled them to pass emissions tests but exceed legal pollution limits in on-the-road driving.


If your salary no longer makes up for the stress and overtime, if the fun times become less and less frequent, if the interesting projects no longer compensate for the dull tasks, then you may want to look for a job where the balance is more in your favour.


Negative deposit rates are seen as complementing QE by forcing banks to seek more risky lending opportunities and assets to compensate for losses on their interest rate margin.

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If you think you can compensate with the strength of your own inner contemplation, you are wrong.


Parents who are manual workers "are more likely to be physically active at work and may compensate for this by spending more time sitting down during their leisure hours", suggests another of the researchers, Dr Mark Hamer.


'When writing romantic emails, senders consciously or subconsciously added more positive content to their messages, perhaps to compensate for the medium's inability to convey vocal tone,' Dennis and Wells wrote in the paper.

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Vohs said that what might compensate for the low-ballers are the angst-ridden outliers squirming at the other end of the bell curve "who feel they have to make up for what they see as others' misdeeds.

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