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Marilla felt this and was vaguely troubled over it, realizing that the ups and downs of existence would probably bear hardly on this impulsive soul and not sufficiently understanding that the equally great capacity for delight might more than compensate.


The boys dressed themselves, hid their accoutrements, and went off grieving that there were no outlaws any more, and wondering what modern civilization could claim to have done to compensate for their loss.


Young young to explore the knowledge of it, it will compensate for the losses due to age.


" However, it notes that keeping the weight off is often difficult because the brain will compensate by feeling more hungry, thus encouraging people to eat more.


If investors doubt a company's ability to meet its interest obligations, they either will refuse to buy its bonds or will demand a higher rate of interest to compensate them for their increased risk.


The first is that older sisters tend to talk more often than older brothers, which would compensate for parents potentially being less present than they were for their first child.


, not feeling defined by others);(,);The development of significantly better self-esteem, which might previously have been trounced on a daily basis by toxic parents or other children and bullies you had no choice being around;,;The ability to choose the people you want to hang out with or avoid;; Finding a way to recognize and accept your own skills and weaknesses, and knowing how to compensate or learn from the latter;,;The ability to have significant personal insight about what love-interest


"Apple continues to benefit from our intellectual property while refusing to compensate us.


"Apple continues to benefit from our intellectual property while refusing to compensate us.

想进哈佛大学? 让你的父母去捐钱捐楼就行

While it is no secret that offering financial gifts to certain Ivy League universities may compensate for a lack of natural gifts, the extent to which Harvard's admission process favors relatives of big donors is only now being laid bare.

调查显示 欧洲某些航空公司故意拉长航班时间

European Union rules stipulate that passengers can claim up to 600 euros if their flights is delayed by more than three hours; however, airlines do not have to compensate travellers for circumstances outside their control, such as bad weather.

Traveling With Diabetes

Traveling across different time zones can throw your schedule completely off, but you can compensate for the disruption if you're careful.


To compensate, the pancreas produces more insulin as it attempts to bring blood sugar down to a healthy level.


Western diets can be very dry, and nutritionists compensate by urging us to drink more water, which the Chinese would never do with a meal.


Then, if you have a fixed wake up time and can't sleep in to compensate, you are experiencing sleep deprivation.


" Apple is already facing lawsuits in the United States over accusations of having defrauded iPhone users by slowing down devices without warning to compensate for poor battery performance.


However, the merits of computer games can never compensate for the negative effects they have.


Women have two, so that even when immunity genes are silenced on one the other can compensate.


The dilation of the vessels to compensate then led to the throbbing pain, so the thinking went.


If you stay up late and compensate by sleeping late, you'll wake up lethargic and have trouble focusing.

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