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How much practice you need will depend on your level of maturity (in Math).


Recalling the demos Mendes sent him, Gosling said he could hear "an honesty and a maturity" that made it clear the singer had decided by then what he wanted to do with the record.


If we fell too many trees at one time to build houses and make paper, or if we cut down trees before they grow to maturity, they can hardly grow back in time.


12、The sign of maturity is not when you start speaking big things, but, actually it is, when you start understanding small things.


These central banks have also substantially expanded their balance sheets through quantitative easing or, in the case of the Bank of Japan, "quantitative and qualitative easing" (which includes lengthening of the maturity of the assets it buys).


It revised the company to a stable Ba3 outlook (equivalent to BB at S&P) last month, writing: "The stable outlook reflects Fosun's demonstrated ability to maintain its access to the funding markets and improve its debt maturity profile, as well as Moody's expectation that the company will prudently manage its expansion and strengthen its financial profile according to plan.


You've reached a maturity with finances and both of you would rather plan on your anniversary getaway or a major investment for your future.


Strategy Analytics also pointed to the increasing maturity of major markets such as China, which is the biggest country for smartphone sales in the world, and consumer caution about the world economy.


The techniques used in figure painting had reached maturity during the periods from the later Zhou to the Han, Wei and the Six Dynasties.


" You have had the chance to purge the foolishness of youth from your system and are now confident with the wisdom of maturity.


And gelu poetry,which only reached maturity and perfection during the Tang Dynasty, is also called "jinti (modern-style) poetry" and falls into the two categories of liishi and jueju.


And gelu poetry,which only reached maturity and perfection during the Tang Dynasty, is also called "jinti (modern-style) poetry" and falls into the two categories of liishi and jueju.


Communicating early will show maturity as a candidate, and will also help you understand how a company is willing to negotiate and answer your questions to see how valuable they really think you are.


The discrepancy did not exist in older kids, which researchers write may imply that "increasing age and maturity lessens the impact of birth month on ADHD diagnoses.


Buying negative-yielding bonds entails a guaranteed loss if held to maturity.


An uptick in maturity for Chinese cinema can be detected from the commercial side of the business, with more diverse genres and higher production values.


Adulthood is not based age; it's based strictly on emotional maturity.


Although your boss is younger, you have plenty to offer - experience, maturity and the knowledge of how things will often pan out.

面试结束前 求职者必问4大问题

To a hiring manager, this question demonstrates maturity and awareness, and if you're hired, the answers can help you avoid the pitfalls of being new.

企业如何慧眼识珠 广纳良才

But he adds that qualities such as energy and drive, emotional maturity, ability to solve problems and learn quickly − at which Ms Hester excelled — are often better predictors of successful leadership than academic qualifications.

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