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With an ad blocker, your web browser will generally run faster, you'll waste less bandwidth downloading ads, and you'll suffer fewer annoyances when navigating the Internet.


In a breakthrough that could prove hugely beneficial to divers navigating shark-filled waters, scientists found that the predator-like dolphins, seals and whales-is unable to distinguish between colours.


Mayo-laden salads, hot dogs and greasy potato chips are all staples at summer cookouts, which can make healthfully navigating a barbecue a little tough.


once you land the job, learn the basics of navigating your first job: stay organized and never miss your deadlines, pay attention to the company culture, and more.


When navigating fruit-filled streets, determine at a glance which turns to pass to evade ghosts and get where you're going safely.


A new economics paper has some old-fashioned advice for people navigating the stresses of life: Find a spouse who is also your best friend.


Participants were asked to 'keep shopping' by navigating from one screen to the next while trying to remember the value for each consumer product they encountered.


"I believe, and many believe, that a liberal-arts education is the key to navigating the changes that come ahead," said Chan, a former political-science major, reassuring parents who may recall fondly their years studying 18th-century art history or the Romantic poets but who still want results for the high cost of tuition.


(Click here to watch my TedX talk on Navigating Infertility).


This will open up new opportunities for game makers interested in navigating this burgeoning new audience of smartphone and tablet gamers.

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National Marriage Project director Brad Wilcox added: "Couples with larger networks of friends and family may have more help, and encouragement, in navigating the challenges of married life.


These mice then demonstrated a decline in their cognitive ability shown by poor performance in navigating a maze.

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