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" The solders had compassion for his piety and gave him two deciliters of rice and one bovine hoof in respect.


He was recommended for his piety in the period of Emperor Ming and for his virtues and integrity in the period of Emperor Zhang and appointed general.


Henceforth the pagoda tree was renamed "compassion for piety".


,,, The hunter respect his filial piety and donated deer's milk.


His conducts of filial piety moved the King of Heaven.


As the saying goes, filial piety is themost important in all virtues.

格林童话英文版:The Three Green Twigs

When the hermit in his piety had already reached agreat age, it happened that he once saw from afar a poor sinner being taken to the gallows.

格林童话英文版:The Girl Without Hands

" The queen stayed seven years in the little house, and was well cared for, and by God's grace, because of her piety, her hands which had been cut off, grew once more.

安徒生童话英文版:The Jewish Maiden

Great tears came into her shining dark eyes; and with the same gentle piety with which she had once listened to the gospel while sitting on the form at school, she felt its grandeur now, and the tears rolled down her cheeks.

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