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A new Theresa will hardly have the opportunity of reforming a conventual life, any more than a new Antigone will spend her heroic piety in daring all for the sake of a brother's burial: the medium in which their ardent deeds took shape is forever gone.


She believed in him as an excellent man whose piety carried a peculiar eminence in belonging to a layman, whose influence had turned her own mind toward seriousness, and whose share of perishable good had been the means of raising her own position.


Bulstrode's naive way of conciliating piety and worldliness, the nothingness of this life and the desirability of cut glass, the consciousness at once of filthy rags and the best damask, was not a sufficient relief from the weight of her husband's invariable seriousness.


The best piety is to enjoy—when you can.


At all events, it is certain that if any medical man had come to Middlemarch with the reputation of having very definite religious views, of being given to prayer, and of otherwise showing an active piety, there would have been a general presumption against his medical skill.


Here was something beyond the shallows of ladies' school literature: here was a living Bossuet, whose work would reconcile complete knowledge with devoted piety; here was a modern Augustine who united the glories of doctor and saint.


She felt sure that she would have accepted the judicious Hooker, if she had been born in time to save him from that wretched mistake he made in matrimony; or John Milton when his blindness had come on; or any of the other great men whose odd habits it would have been glorious piety to endure; but an amiable handsome baronet, who said "Exactly" to her remarks even when she expressed uncertainty,—how could he affect her as a lover?


His heart warms to him when he can bring forward some example of cruelty or meanness, and he exults like an inquisitor at the auto da fé of an heretic when with some forgotten story he can confound the filial piety of the Rev.


Treating theelderly well is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and building a policy system forpensions, filial piety, respect for the elderly and a healthy social environment is also a must.


Interestingly, the way that Jia showcases her filial piety is a bit special as she fictionalizes a time-travel story to depict her mother's love story set in 1981.


The Chinese have traditionally held that a person's body should remain intact because they believe there is an afterlife, and they see a traditional burial as an obligation of filial piety toward their elders.


According to Bloomberg, the company aims to uphold the traditional filial piety values in China and give older people the "safety net" as they age.


Much admired for his piety and kindness, St.


His piety was rewarded, for, in turning a page, her book slipped from her fingers and bounded from the bench a full yard away.


Moved by his filial piety, the youngest daughter of the Emperor of Heaven secretly came to the secular world.


The school motto, which created myriad outstanding 'Aletheia man', included piety, qualitative solid, diligence, service, science, health, and forward.


Afterwards,the woman's family would give the man the self-made shoes in return,which were meant to show their daughter's filial piety to her future in-laws.


But today, though I respect churchgoing as an act of piety and enjoy its sidelines, so to speak, the music and the architecture, it holds no significance for me.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(3)

There is no such thing as immoral piety.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 15

I've thought it all out in this here lonely island, and I'm back on piety.

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