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The branches were rustling in the wind and rain, and the flowers on the tree were swaying and falling in succession, which occurred to me theverse that "The wind blows the autumn leaves falling onto the ground, which again are blown up by the wind.


"It may be especially important for students with higher levels of misophonia sensitivity to avoid studying in places where there are a lot of 'trigger' sounds, such as other people chewing, coughing, clicking pens, or rustling papers," Fiorella said.

牙牙学英语之童话:黄金鸟 01

As the clock struck twelve he heard a rustling noise in the air, and a bird came flying that was of pure gold; and as it was snapping at one of the apples with its beak, the gardener's son jumped up and shot an arrow at it.


He longed to be the wind and blow through your rustling branches, to be your shadow and lengthen with the day on the water, to be a bird and perch on your top-most twig, and to float like those ducks among the weeds and shadows.


A rustling was heard in the bushes, and a little boy stood before the King's Son, a boy in wooden shoes, and with so short a jacket that one could see what long wrists he had.


" 'Rustling up your favourite meal not only gives your arms a big workout with all the lifting of heavy pans, chopping and stirring, but also encourages you to make things from scratch rather than ordering an unhealthy takeaway.


With rustling feathers, they swam lightly over the water.


White published his extraordinary (but too little read) book, The Natural History of Selborne, in 1789, setting out his observations of the animals, birds and insects of his native Hampshire village: squirrels rustling in bushes, spiders levering themselves across cobwebs, slugs pulling themselves across dew-coated lawns and insects dancing above ponds.


There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, , watch the water rush downstream, , and listen to the chirps of birds, , and the rustling of leaves in the trees.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(111)

It had not started snowing yet, but the winter winds were blowing through the yards, bending the flowerbeds and rustling the leaves.

Morns like these -- we parted

A Sharper rustling!

金娃娃 The gold-children

When he had ridden onward a little he heard a rustling in the bushes, and heard voices speaking together.

熊皮人 Bearskin

" All at once he heard a rustling, and when he looked round, a strange man stood before him, who wore a green coat and looked right stately, but had a hideous cloven foot.


There she sat, and would have remained sitting a long time, if there had not been a rustling and cracking in the boughs of the neighbouring tree.

the BELL钟声

A rustling was heard in the bushes, and a little boy stood before the King's Son, a boy in wooden shoes, and with so short a jacket that one could see what long wrists he had.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 19

The sun had just set, the sea breeze was rustling and tumbling in the woods and ruffling the grey surface of the anchorage; the tide, too, was far out, and great tracts of sand lay uncovered; the air, after the heat of the day, chilled me through my jacket.


The shadow of her wings fell on my page; I heard the rustling of her skirts in the room.

桐花半亩 静销一庭愁雨

The branches were rustling in the wind and rain, and the flowers on the tree were swaying and falling in succession, which occurred to me the verse that "The wind blows the autumn leaves falling onto the ground, which again are blown up by the wind.


Then as I covered him with a blanket a strange rustling sound from inside the stump startled us.

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