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Not live by bread alone, but by the majesty lf ocean breakers, the shimmer of the moonlight on a calm lake, the flashing silver of a mountain torrent, the exquisite patterns of snow crystals, the creations of artists.


I am willing that it is a torrent -- Petőfi Sándor I am willing that it is a torrent , the river in the mountain, pass the rock on the rugged mountain path Only my spouse It is a small fish, swim happily in my spray.


Drops of water, by continually falling, hone their passage through the hardest of rocks but the hasty torrent rushes over it with hideous uproar and leaves no trace24 behind.


And then, though armed with a message I want to deliver in some perfect torrent of words, I can't think up anything more memorable than this: "I want you to know," I say, "you were important to me.


But tonight I was by myself and felt inadequate to face the torrent of vehicles.


Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent of water streaming out from under the door.

伊索寓言:The Two Goats

They locked horns and fought for the right of way, until they both fell into the torrent below and were drowned.

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